
Rs. 1

(Inclusive of Taxes)

Ships in 3-5 working days

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Non-personalised Orders

Typically dispatched within 2 working days from our warehouse.

Personalised Orders

Generally dispatched within 3-5 working days from our warehouse, allowing time for customisation.

Domestic Delivery in India

Once shipped, standard delivery takes approximately 2-7 working days across India, depending on the service area and logistics partner.

International Delivery

For international orders, standard delivery usually takes between 10-14 working days after shipping. Delivery timelines may vary depending on the destination country, customs processes, and logistical support in that region.

Important Note

We cannot assume responsibility for delays due to customs, border clearances, or shipping constraints that may occur in your country.

Dispatch Days

Orders are processed and dispatched Monday through Friday only. No shipments are made on weekends or public holidays.

Rush/Urgent Orders

For expedited or urgent delivery requirements, please contact our team before placing your order to discuss available options.

W-36, Level 3 , Okhla Industrial Area-II,
New Delhi -110020
Email: contact@lachi.in
Customer care : +91 901 5022 222